About .AD Domain

The .AD domain is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Andorra. It is administered by Andorra Telecom, the country’s main telecommunications provider.

Registering an .AD domain is not simple. The official guide for registering an .AD domain can be found on the Andorra Telecom NIC page (Former NIC.AD).

First, a trademark or trade name should be registered in Andorra. The OMPA (Oficina de Marques i Patents del Principat d’Andorra) – Trademarks and Patents Office of the Principality of Andorra – will authorize the registration request.

After the registration, they will issue a document similar this :

With this document, visit the Andorra State Signs Service to register the ‘.AD’ domain. They will also issue a document similar to this:

Next, proceed to Andorra Telecommunications to register the WHOIS record. Then you will successfully register your .AD domain.

If visiting Andorra is challenging for you, numerous trademark registration service agents can be found on Google. Additionally, .AD domain registrars typically offer trademark registration and WHOIS record registration services.

There are several popular .AD domain registrars such as :

  • Entorno Digital (https://www.entorno.domains/)
  • EuroDNS (https://www.eurodns.com/)
  • Marcaria (https://www.marcaria.com/)

Besides, to search for the WHOIS record for an .AD domain, EuroDNS provides a online lookup tool on their site (link).